OC Public Works provides for the planning, development, operation and maintenance of public works in Orange County including regional and sub-regional flood control facilities which are the responsibility of the OCFCD.
OC Public Works will accomplish its Flood Control Program goals through an integrated process under which we conduct feasibility, hydraulic, deficiency, floodplain and value-engineering studies, collect and analyze data on an on-going basis, and design and build projects. We also will respond to citizen concerns, flood emergencies and operate and conduct our annual planned maintenance of flood control facilities. We are additionally responsible for reviewing development proposals and providing construction inspection services of developer’s construction projects.

Funding for projects of regional significance is provided by OCFCD primarily from local property tax revenues. Under the provisions of Section 97 and 98 of the Revenue and Taxation Code the property tax revenue is based on the average percentage received during the three years prior to the passage of Proposition 13 in 1978 plus a proportionate share of tax base growth. Subsequent to the passage of Proposition 13, State Special District Augmentation funds have also been allocated to OCFCD by the Orange County Board of Supervisors.

In addition to OCFCD projects, funds provide for implementation of a Local Drainage Program to provide for construction of drainage facilities to correct localized flooding problems in older parts of unincorporated Orange County. Funds for local drainage projects in the unincorporated regions of Orange County are provided by the County General Fund and Housing/Community Development funds.

The OCFCD program is developed with assistance from the City Engineers Flood Control Advisory Committee (CEFCAC), appointed by the City Selection Committee.