Determine if your property is located in an area subject to flooding.
There are Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) identified on the Federal Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) with known potential for flooding.
For properties located within unincorporated Orange County, County staff can make flood zone determinations. If located in an “A” Zone, your property is within the SFHA, which is an area that has been determined to have the potential for flooding caused by a 100-year storm. If located in a “V” Zone, your property is within the SFHA and could also be subject to velocity wave action. County staff can also provide property owners in unincorporated Orange County with information regarding if a property is located in a floodway, near a choke point, flood depths in AE or AO FIRM zones, special flood-related hazards, historical flooding, or natural floodplain functions.
Elevation certificates for unincorporated Orange County properties and FEMA maps are available for review at the County Service Center and at the following websites:
Purchase flood insurance for your property and contents.
Many communities within Orange County participate in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which provides federally backed flood insurance for all structures located
inside or outside of the SFHA. Visit to learn more and contact your insurance agency to get your policy. Flooding is not covered by a standard homeowner’s
insurance policy. A separate flood insurance policy is required to cover damages incurred by flooding. Also, there is a 30-day waiting period before flood insurance coverage goes into effect.
More than 25% of the NFIP claims are filed for properties located outside the SFHA.
Protect your property from the hazards of flooding.
- If the floor level of your property is lower than the “Base Flood Elevation” (elevation of the 100-year flood, based on FEMA maps), consider elevating your structure.
- Make sure gutters are clear of leaves and debris and roof repairs are complete before the rainy season.
- Have weakened trees inspected by an arborist. Downed trees and branches can cause significant damage.
Brochures discussing flood proofing and other mitigation measures are available in Orange County Public Libraries and from OC Public Works at the County Service Center. If a flood is imminent, property can be protected by sandbagging areas. Valuables and furniture may also be moved to higher areas to minimize damages.
From October - April of each year, free, empty sandbags for the protection of homes from rain and mud are available at 2310 N. Glassell St., Orange, CA 92867. This service is for unincorporated Orange County residents and proof of residency will be required.
Keep channels free of obstructions and debris.
Residents are encouraged to assist in maintaining the drainage in their areas by removing or reporting obstructions (such as shopping carts, leaves, debris, trash, etc.). Keeping drainage channels free of obstructions reduces flooding in the event of heavy rains.
According to County Ordinance Article 3, Sec. 4-13-52, it is illegal to dump trash, leaves, landscape debris, paint, grease, or any other material into any portion of the County’s drainage system.
To report obstructions or illegal dumping, for questions regarding drainage system maintenance, or for property protection advice or site visits regarding flooding and drainage issues, visit or contact OC Operations & Maintenance.
Meet improvement and permitting requirements.
The NFIP requires that if the cost of reconstruction, additions, or other improvements to a building equals or exceeds 50% of the building’s market value, then the building must meet the same construction requirements as a new building. Substantially damaged buildings must also be brought up to the same standards as a new building. For example, a residence damaged so that the cost of repairs equals or exceeds 50% of the building’s value before it was damaged must be elevated above the base flood elevation.
All development within unincorporated Orange County requires a permit. Always check and fulfill permitting requirements with OC Development Services before you build, alter, fill, or re-grade any portion of your property, and if you suspect permitting violations.
Keep an emergency supply and have an evacuation plan.
Non-perishable food, water, batteries, flashlights, a manual can opener, and a battery-operated radio should be kept available.