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Reference Materials

In this section you will find informational resources including online maps, reports, manuals, and links to County Standard Plans and other government resources. Reference Materials (in PDF format)

  1. Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH)(link is external)
    Find links to the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Road Master Plan, covering freeways, arterial highways and local streets.
  2. OC Public Works Standard Plans
    Find Standard Plan information pertaining to County projects.
  3. Orange County Local Drainage Manual
    Find computational techniques and criteria for estimation of drainage runoff, discharge and the design of drainage systems built for dedication to the Orange County Flood Control District.
  4. Caltrans Standard Plans(link is external)
    Find links to County, other governmental and non-governmental Standard Plans & Specifications.
  5. OCTA Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) / Traffic Flow Maps(link is external)
    Find detailed map of County streets, toll roads and State freeways showing daily traffic volumes.
  6. Orange County Traffic Manual
    Find a compellation of specific guidelines staff utilize when conducting traffic safety investigations
  7. Unincorporated County Bridge Index
    Find list of County bridges by name and location.
  8. Addendum No. 1 to RDMD Standard Plans, 2006 Edition
    Addendum No. 1 to RDMD Standard Plans, 2006 Edition.
  9. Five Percent Reports(link is external)
    Highway Safety Improvement Program “5 Percent Report” Requirement.
  10. Computer Aided Design (CAD) Standards Manual (Version 1.0 - January 2023)(link is external)
  11. Sideweir, Dr. Mostafa, OC Study Text